Bennett's Likes: He loves having popsicles on the porch, playing outside, helping Daddy collect the trash, TRUCKS
Bennett's Dislikes: S
Not So Sure About: The vaccuum
Weight: Not Sure
Length: Not sure
Clothing Size: All 3T now, back to 2T shorts though because he's a skinny minny
Diaper Size: 5 Swaddlers if he's in one at all (hardly ever), 6 Baby Dry at night
Eating Habits: He is a grazer
Accomplishments: He is consistently peeing on the potty all day long (still using a diaper at naps and sleeping).
Carson's Likes: He loves to be held, FOOD (he loves it all)
Carson's Dislikes: Shots, he was not a fan of those at his appointment
Not So Sure About: Walking-- he'd rather craw, it's much more efficient!
Weight: 22 pounds, 5.8 ounces (39%)
Length: 30 and 3/4 inches (75%)
Clothing Size: We have moved to 12 month clothing
Diaper Size: Size 3 Swaddlers during the day, sleeps in size 3 baby dry at night
Eating Habits: Loves his Mama's milk still, but is a total foodie. Many meals, he eats more than Bennett! <-- still true
Sleep: Still getting up once
Accomplishments: He blows kisses, had his first birthday party (he smashed his cake much more than Bennett), switched to a convertible car seat
Bennett's Likes: H
Bennett's Dislikes: S
Not So Sure About: T
Weight: 3
Length: 3
Clothing Size: All 3T now
Diaper Size: 5 Swaddlers during the day, 6 Baby Dry at night-- he has been peeing on the potty most days during the day!
Eating Habits: He still loves fruit, I don't think that will ever change. He loves making "panpakes" with his Daddy on the weekends too!
Accomplishments: His first real snow that he can remember!
Carson's Likes: H
Carson's Dislikes: W
Not So Sure About: T
Weight: 2
Length: 2
Clothing Size: S
Diaper Size: Size 3 Swaddlers during the day, sleeps in size 3 baby dry at night
Eating Habits: L
Sleep: S
Accomplishments: He got to go out into his first snow! He is mimicing and he likes to say "yeah" when you ask him a question
Carson's Likes: He loves his Mama
Carson's Dislikes: Sharing with Bennett
Not So Sure About: T
Weight: 2
Length: 2
Clothing Size: Can still fit in 9-12 month clothing, plain 12 if it's Carters
Diaper Size: Size 3 Swaddlers during the day, sleeps in size 3 baby dry at night
Eating Habits: Loves his Mama's milk still, but is a total foodie. Many meals, he eats more than Bennett!
Sleep: Still getting up 1-2 times a night
Accomplishments: He started saying "Dada" and "byyyye" while waving, attended his first Mini-THON on the outside!
This is about how Bennett's block pictures go at this point:
Bennett's Likes: H
Bennett's Dislikes: Going to bed
Not So Sure About: T
Weight: Not sure
Length: Not sure
Clothing Size: All 3T now
Diaper Size: 5 Swaddlers during the day, 6 Baby Dry at night
Eating Habits: H
Accomplishments: H
Bennett's Likes: He still loves trucks, but has recently gotten into Toy Story. He loves Buzz and Aunt MeMe got him a Buzz for Christmas that he's really excited about!
Bennett's Dislikes: Sharing with his brother
Not So Sure About: The vaccuum, he doesn't like when we use it
Weight: 32 pounds (73%)
Length: 38 1/4 inches (91%)
Clothing Size: Mostly all 3T now
Diaper Size: 5 Swaddlers during the day, 5 Baby Dry at night
Eating Habits: His eating is hit or miss. It's helpful that he can communicate what he wants now, but sometimes it's a request like "hot dogs and applesauce" since he had it once at Nonny and Poppy's
Accomplishments: He is talking up a storm. He has learned all of the real names for people and proudly recites them when you ask for them.