
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chicken Rice Soup

There's something about a Mama that makes you feel better when you're sick.  I have a brutal cold, and I've been fluctuating with how I feel over the past few days.  Today, I was fine when I went to church, and then to check out pictures of the lovely "little men" in my life with their Mommy, but I decided I could take on shopping with my Mom.

We got some great deals, and I was able to keep myself busy while my husband had some guys over to play poker, but by the end of the day shopping, I was absolutely exhausted!!  My wonderful Mama made me some Chicken Rice Soup, minus chicken, but she made enough for me to have for dinner, and also for a few days of lunch this week.  I know I said thank you multiple times, but she'll never really know how much I appreciate her.

One day, I hope to be half the Mom that she is!! <3

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