Bennett's Likes: Smiling, sleeping through the night, sleeping snuggled up on people's chests, still fuzzy sleepers and sacks, ceiling fans, the Ergo, blowing bubbles, cooing, being outside, taking a bath, snoring, car rides, sleeping in the pack and play in my room, my playmat, meeting my cousins, my rock and play
Some pictures from the month
Bennett's Dislikes: Shots (for about 15 seconds), being naked for my weight on the scale at the doctors (result = screaming and possibly peeing), being woken up at 5:30 to get ready for a school day when I'm not ready to get up
Not so sure about: Strangers... I like to stare at them but I won't smile
Weight: 12 pounds 14 ounces (76%)
Length: 24 inches (81%)
Clothing Size: 0-3 Months
Diaper Size: 1