Carson's Likes:His big brother, he loves watching him, his lovey, the musical bunny that Brie got him, the froggy seat, blankets, funny faces and sounds, grabbing toys and anything you have in your hand Carson's Dislikes:The car-- screams most of the way, sleeping
Not So Sure About: When everyone eats dinner and he's within eyesight of Mommy Weight:Not sure Length:Not sure Clothing Size:3-6 months or 6 months Carters) Diaper Size: Size 2 Swaddlers during the day, sleeping in 2 Baby Drys Eating Habits:He loves eating from Mommy much more than bottles, but he has finally stopped fighting bottles for Gigi and Meme when they are watching him. He is eating 4 ounce bottles while we are at work, and he eats every 2-3 hours otherwise Sleep:Sleeping
in his crib with the insert under the sheets, waking between 2-3 times a night Accomplishments:He loves giggling and being tickled, he smiles at you and coos as well as making sounds and blowing bubbles. He also is able to roll over!!
Bennett's Likes:Getting really good at playing games and puzzles on his Kindle Fire, lining his trucks up, bringing his trucks to the bathtub to get bubbles on them, watching "ball" with Da, cheese faces, his tricycle, snacking on anything, brushing his teeth, dessert
Bennett's Dislikes: Getting dressed, if things are floating in the bath water, getting his diaper changed
Not So Sure About:Sharing the attention with Bop sometimes Weight:Not sure Length:Not sure Clothing Size:All 24 month and 2T clothes Diaper Size:5 Swaddlers during the day, 5 Baby Dry at night Eating Habits:It's hit or miss. He loves "ooh ooh aah aah" which are chocolate chip muffins Sleep:He sleeps about 9 pm - 8 am Accomplishments:He has given each of his trucks names (where he came up with them is up to be determined)
Bennett's Likes:Getting really good at playing games and puzzles on his Kindle Fire, lining his trucks up, bringing his trucks to the bathtub to get bubbles on them, watching "ball" with Da, cheese faces
Bennett's Dislikes: Sharing the attention with Bop sometimes
Not So Sure About: -- Weight:Not sure Length:Not sure Clothing Size:All 24 month and 2T clothes Diaper Size:5 Swaddlers during the day, 5 Baby Dry at night Eating Habits:It's hit or miss. He loves "ooh ooh aah aah" which are chocolate chip muffins Sleep:He sleeps about 9 pm - 8 am Accomplishments:He has given each of his trucks names (where he came up with them is up to be determined)
Carson's Likes:His lovey, mommy's milk, piano mat, frog seat, being tickled, the swing Carson's Dislikes:Sleeping, getting over tired
Not So Sure About: Loud noises Weight:15 pounds 3.4 ounces at his 4 month checkup Length:25.5 inches Clothing Size:Almost out of 0-3 months (or 3 months Carters) Diaper Size:Finished up some 1's and starting in 2's, sleeping in 2 Baby Drys Eating Habits:Still loving Mommy's milk exclusively Sleep:Sleeping in his crib with the insert under the sheets, but he's still not sleeping :( Mommy is waking 3-4 times a night which is rooooouuuugh!!! Accomplishments:He is very happy and smiley during the day, just trying to work on the sleeping thing ;)
Bennett's Likes:Trucks, Chase, playing in the big boxes from Mommy's deliveries, dirt, his Cars bike, pretending trucks (or other things) are sleeping by pretend snoring, going to Daddy's ball
Bennett's Dislikes: Back to not liking the vacuum, being told no
Not So Sure About: Getting in the car Weight:He was 27.7 pounds on the scale this morning Length:Not sure Clothing Size:All 24 month and 2T clothes Diaper Size:5 Swaddlers during the day, 5 Baby Dry at night Eating Habits:Not really into eating lately. You can always count on chicken fingers and french fries, yogurt, waffles and cereal Sleep:He is my constant reassurance that at least ONE of my kids sleeps. He's such a good sleeper and I'm so thankful I can always count on that! Accomplishments:He is embracing his big brother role and loves whispering "hiiii Bop" to Carson. He also must give both he and I a kiss goodnight before naps and bedtime. His vocabulary is increasing as well. He is really good at identifying colors when you ask which is which. If you ask him to say them, they're all "bluuuuue"